כי לא מחשבותי מחשבותיכם

כִּי לֹא מַחְשְׁבוֹתַי מַחְשְׁבוֹתֵיכֶם, וְלֹא דַרְכֵיכֶם דְּרָכָי

Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Kofer on the Block

A new, highly interesting blog, has appeared on the scene of the ex-orthodox blogosphere. It is called Kefirah of the Week.

The author introduces himself as follows:
I am a former Orthodox Jew who "went off the derech" in my early twenties, in the early 2000s. Recently over the past 2-3 years I've developed an interest in the Torah and the development of Judaism from an academic perspective. 
The purpose of this blog, in his words:
This blog serves as a reason for me to explore various topical areas and gives me an excuse to research them. I will be attempting to post once a week near the middle of the week, on topics somewhat related to the parsha of the week for the upcoming Shabbat (Sabbath). This page will give some information on various decisions I've made in topic choice as well as some more technical details.
Some of his latest posts include:
Check it out, it is very worthwhile reading.

PS I have added it to my Kofer Blogroll now.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. He also succinctly summarizes some academic research and provides cogent arguments why the Torah is unlikely divine.
