
Monday, November 22, 2010

Heaven for Real?

The proof is finally there! Heaven is for real after all, we were all wrong all along the way!

Hmmm…did he really just mention Jesus? He must’ve been mistaken; he probably meant to say Moishe Rabeinu olov haSholom!

Oh wait, they wrote a book about it and are earning money on this stuff.

Dang, disappointed once again.

PS Listen carefully to the slow answers of the child; I don’t think he even believes in it himself. But the father is far better at lying.


  1. oh man. that is just the most rehearsed speech i've ever heard. jesus has "sea blue eyes and a smile that lit up the heavens." um, yeah, okay, that's not the most cliche thing i've ever heard.

  2. Yes, Jesus is deeply concerned about giving heaven tours to upper middle class children while ignoring the starving disease ridden masses living in squalor in the third world.

  3. It brings to mind an old song: 5 foot 2, eyes of blue,
    Ironically, this is what he probably looked like:

  4. OMG! This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen! One day, that kid is going to grow up and fall in love with some burly boy scout type with "sea-blue" eyes. Even the ticker was amazing. "Met St. John the Baptist." So no "claims to have," or "believes he" to qualify that statement? So we're just going to take the word of a boy whose father needs him to be overly descriptive of his out of body experience so that he can make millions on the book he wrote? Wow Fox, you sure are fair and balanced...and SO rational. Thanks again, Fox and Friends, for making me laugh my ass off!

  5. If you really, really want, you can be an idiot too! And write a book about it. And not even be embarrassed. It's all will-power :P
