
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh. My. Gawd!

Hat tip: Failed Messiah.


  1. Didn't you admit to visiting prostitutes as a yeshiva student?

  2. At least I admit it, JP! :P

    BTW: This was not during my yeshivah period, of course.

    The thing is that he thinks he can chat her up because she looks like a hot shiksah, so she must be 'willing'. Many people get dressed; this does not mean they are looking on the street for sex. And definitely not with someone dressed as outlandish as that!

  3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe this guy thinks he's hot.

  4. I had the same thing happen when I was on the damn subway. was dressed in my hospital scrubs. Don't know what made him pick on me. I was dying of embarrassment and tried to explain so in Hebrew (so the whole damn car wouldn't have to hear!) but he didn't speak Hebrew. ( I don't speak Yiddish).

  5. BTW I think this is addressing and additional issue, beyond the fact of Hasidim breaking the rules- and that is the utter cluelessness of these folks. Their perceptions of women and the secular world is just so totally off.
    Morally speaking I wouldn't say its as bad as going to a prostitute (most of whom are severely abused and exploited)but on the clueless level it beats all.

  6. Kisarita: I am not surprised. The philosophy is that women who are not dressed tznius are lewd and therefore easy to prey on.
